Welcome to 17 BEAUTY, where we provide comprehensive one-stop internal and external health and beauty consultation services. Our brand positioning focuses on integrity, service, professionalism, and quality, aiming to create a comfortable and warm platform for skincare and anti-aging enthusiasts.
Our brand philosophy is to help middle-aged and older women address specific skin aging and sagging issues. At 17 BEAUTY, we offer professional skin analysis and product recommendations to help you regain confidence and beauty. We provide products tailored to your skin's internal and external needs, along with probiotic nutritional meal replacements.
We feature high-quality brands such as RUIJIA, SHEN森, KAFEN, and our exclusive innovation, HI DEAR Skippmeal. We believe that the right skincare products, proper skincare concepts, and a healthy consumption mindset accompany consumers on the journey to slow down aging.
欢迎来到17 BEAUTY,我们致力于为您提供一站式全方位的内外健康保养咨询服务。我们的品牌定位注重诚信、服务、专业和品质,旨在为爱护肤的消费者打造一个舒适有温度的护肤抗老平台。
我们的品牌理念是帮助初老和中年女性针对性解决皮肤老化和下垂等问题。在17 BEAUTY,我们将提供专业的肌肤分析和产品搭配,助您重拾自信与美丽。我们提供最适合您肌肤内外调理的产品,以及益生菌营养代餐。
我们引进了高品质的RUIJIA、SHEN森、KAFEN等知名品牌,同时推出了我们独家创新的HI DEAR Skippmeal。我们相信合适的护肤品、正确的护肤理念和健康的消费观,将陪伴消费者共同延缓抗老之路。